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Javascript (frontend)


The ChatRoomConnection module provides functionalities to connect to a chat room via WebSocket and fetch messages from the chat room using HTTP requests. This documentation serves as a guide for utilizing the ChatRoomConnection module effectively.

This is basically the raw functions used in the framework-specific modules. It is recommended to use the framework-specific modules but if you need a deeper level of control these functions have been exposed for use.



This module is designed to be used in a Node.js environment. To use it, make sure you have Node.js installed, then install the module using npm:

npm install @ezchat/frontend


To use the ChatRoomConnection module in your project, import it as follows:

import { ChatRoomConnection } from '@ezchat/frontend';

Connecting to a Chat Room WebSocket

To establish a WebSocket connection to a chat room, create an instance of ChatRoomConnection and call the connectWebsocket method:

const connection = new ChatRoomConnection({
    roomId: 123,
    authToken: 'yourAuthToken',

const { sendMessage, disconnect } = connection.connectWebsocket({
    onOpen: () => console.log('WebSocket connection opened'),
    onClose: () => console.log('WebSocket connection closed'),
    onError: (error) => console.error('WebSocket connection error:', error),
    onMessage: (message) => console.log('Received message:', message),

// Send a message
sendMessage('Hello, world!');

// Disconnect from the WebSocket

Fetching Messages

To fetch messages from the chat room via HTTP request, use the fetchMessages method:

try {
    const messages = await connection.fetchMessages();
    console.log('Fetched messages:', messages);
} catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching messages:', error);


import { ChatRoomConnection } from 'chat-room-connection';

const connection = new ChatRoomConnection({
    roomId: 123,
    authToken: 'yourAuthToken',

const { sendMessage, disconnect } = connection.connectWebsocket({
    onOpen: () => console.log('WebSocket connection opened'),
    onClose: () => console.log('WebSocket connection closed'),
    onError: (error) => console.error('WebSocket connection error:', error),
    onMessage: (message) => console.log('Received message:', message),

// Send a message
sendMessage('Hello, world!');

// Fetch messages
try {
    const messages = await connection.fetchMessages();
    console.log('Fetched messages:', messages);
} catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching messages:', error);

// Disconnect from the WebSocket

API Reference

connectToChatRoomWebsocket(roomId: number, authToken?: string): WebSocket

Establishes a WebSocket connection to the specified chat room.

  • roomId: The ID of the chat room to connect to.
  • authToken: Optional. An authentication token for the user.

Returns a WebSocket instance.


A class representing a connection to a chat room.


constructor(props: IChatRoomConnectionProps)
  • props: An object containing the following properties:
  • roomId: The ID of the chat room to connect to.
  • authToken: Optional. An authentication token for the user.
  • messageCallback: Optional. A callback function to handle incoming messages.
  • authFunction: Optional. A function that returns a Promise resolving to an authentication token.


async refreshToken(): void

Refreshes the authentication token asynchronously.

async fetchMessages(cursor?: string, size?: number): Promise<CursorPaginatedMessages>

Fetches messages from the chat room via HTTP request.

  • cursor: Optional. A cursor indicating the position from which to fetch messages.
  • size: Optional. The number of messages to fetch.

Returns a Promise resolving to a CursorPaginatedMessages object.

connectWebsocket(socketCallbacks?: IConnectWebsocketCallbacks): { sendMessage: Function, disconnect: Function }

Connects to the chat room via WebSocket.

  • socketCallbacks: Optional. An object containing callback functions for various WebSocket events.

Returns an object with sendMessage and disconnect functions.

Interface IChatRoomConnectionProps

interface IChatRoomConnectionProps {
    roomId: number;
    authToken?: string;
    messageCallback?: (message: ChatRoomMessagePayload) => void;
    authFunction?: () => Promise<string>;
  • roomId: The ID of the chat room to connect to.
  • authToken: Optional. An authentication token for the user.
  • messageCallback: Optional. A callback function to handle incoming messages.
  • authFunction: Optional. A function that returns a Promise resolving to an authentication token.

Interface IConnectWebsocketCallbacks

interface IConnectWebsocketCallbacks {
    onOpen?: () => void;
    onError?: (err: WebSocket.ErrorEvent) => void;
    onClose?: () => void;
    onMessage?: (message: ChatRoomWebsocketMessage) => void;
  • onOpen: Optional. Callback function called when the WebSocket connection is opened.
  • onError: Optional. Callback function called when an error occurs in the WebSocket connection.
  • onClose: Optional. Callback function called when the WebSocket connection is closed.
  • onMessage: Optional. Callback function called when a message is received via WebSocket.